How do rates work in ShipEngine?

ShipEngine offers two endpoints for rate quotes: the Estimate a Rate endpoint and the Rates endpoint. When using either endpoint, the shipment information is provided in the request and a rate is returned. Rates are determined by the carrier.

  • The Estimate a Rate endpoint will provide an estimated rate from the carrier that does not include additional charges like fuel surcharges, customs fees, or other carrier-imposed fees.

  • The Rates endpoint requires more information than the estimate endpoint but provides a more accurate rate quote from the carrier.

If the shipment details are not accurate or complete, the carrier reserves the right to adjust the rate charged to your monthly invoice or to charge an adjustment fee for pay-on-create labels.

The following factors can change a shipment’s rate from what ShipEngine displayed at the time of label purchase:

  • Residential vs. commercial address determination

  • Inaccurate weight or dimensions for the shipment

  • Dimensional weight applies but no dimensions included

  • Incorrect drop-off type

  • Incomplete information for the origin address