DPD Local specializes in the delivery of time-critical shipments originating from the UK. ShipEngine's integration with DPD Local supports the courier's local services for domestic shipments, ground services for shipments to Europe, and air services for delivery to international destinations.
Interested in opening a DPD Local account? Submit a New Customer Enquiry today!
Connection Requirements:
A DPD Local account.
Your DPD Local account Username and Password.
You MUST reset the password from your temporary login credentials to a permanent one before you connect to ShipEngine. If not, you will receive an error when trying to connect your account.
Test Label Requirements:
DPD Local requires you to create test labels before creating active labels through ShipEngine. Failure to get approval before you start dispatching DPD Local parcels via ShipEngine could result in the suspension of your account.
Contact your DPD Local Account Manager to let them know you intend to use ShipEngine and for instructions to create test labels.
DPD Local labels cannot be voided in ShipEngine at this time.
DPD restricts the export of certain items to the EU. Review the PDF that lists items not accepted for EU export by DPDgroup.
Here are some common issues, potential causes, and troubleshooting tips.
Issue |
How to troubleshoot or resolve |
Error: Bad Request: consignment[0].totalWeight:Maximum value exceeded TransactionID |
What it means: DPD Classic By Road requires a minimum weight of 200g. |
Error: Invalid tax identifier. Be sure to use EORI for international shipments from the UK. |
What it means: You may receive an error if you attempt to use a VAT number instead of an EORI number. This does not necessarily mean the VAT code is invalid itself, but that you should be using an EORI code to ship internationally via DPD Local and not a VAT number. |