OnTrac is a regional carrier servicing California and the major metropolitan areas of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. View OnTrac's estimated delivery times for each of these states. OnTrac is is available for shipments originating in the US.
Interested in expanding your regional delivery options? Visit the OnTrac website to open an account!
Connection Requirements:
An active account with OnTrac
Your OnTrac Account Number and Password (Contact OnTrac at softwaresupport@ontrac.com to retrieve your password.)
Here are some common issues, potential causes, and troubleshooting tips.
Issue |
How to troubleshoot or resolve |
Invalid credentials error when attempting to connect OnTrac to ShipStation. |
After you create an account with OnTrac, they will send you an email that contains your Account Number, WebOnTrac Login, and Password. What to do: You must create a different password specific to ShipEngine, or you will receive an invalid credentials error message when attempting to connect your OnTrac account. |